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Gen.G Wins the 2024 MSI Bracket Stage Finals BLG vs Gen.G 1:3

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Gen.G won the 2024 MSI Finals, defeating BLG 3:1.
  • In particular, Peyz's Kalista achieved a record-breaking 27 kills in game two, setting a new record for the highest number of solo kills in an international tournament. Gen.G achieved its first international championship and secured a direct ticket to Worlds.
  • Gen.G lifted the MSI trophy for the LCK after seven years, raising the region's prestige. They are expected to showcase strong performances in the upcoming LCK Summer season.

Finally, after a long journey, it's 6 PM today.

The last match of MSI 2024.

The finals between BLG and Gen.G took place!

Interesting picks came out from the first set.

BLG banned out Heimerdinger, Nidalee, Nautilus, Corki, and Aurelion Sol,

as expected, they were aiming to counter mid-lane champions.

Top lane Bin's Twisted Fate

Jungle XUN's Xin Zhao

Mid lane Knight's Neeko

Bot lane Elk's Lucian

Support ON's Nami.

In response, Gen.G banned

Taliyah, Ahri, Vayne, Sejuani, and Maokai.

Top lane Kiin chose K'Sante,

Jungle Canyon chose Karthus,

Mid lane Chovy chose Yone,

Bot lane Peyz chose Senna,

Support Lehends chose Tahm Kench.

First, Gen.G's pick of Yone in the mid lane and Karthus in the jungle

was really impressive, showing their aggressive intent.

From the very beginning, there was a really tight balance in the fights,

and both teams

played well in the top lane.

Canyon's Karthus in the jungle

grew really well,

melting all of BLG's players with his ultimate.

Gen.G took the win of the first set.

BLG banned Corki, Aurelion Sol, K'Sante, Rumble, and Jax,

mostly focusing on banning the opposing top laner.

Top lane Camille, Jungle Xin Zhao, Mid lane Orianna,

Bot lane Varus and Support Ashe,

they picked strong bot lane champions.

Gen.G banned

Annie, LeBlanc, Nautilus, Ahri, and Taliyah,

targeting the mid lane.

Top lane Zac, Jungle Sejuani, Mid lane Yone,

Bot lane Kalista, and Support Blitzcrank.

Chovy's confident pick of Yone in the mid lane

was really cool to see.

Even though Yone isn't that great in the current meta,

with some risk involved,

Chovy confidently picked him,

showing just how confident he is in his laning phase.

Lehends' Blitz pick was also

a first in the tournament, and I thought from the start that it would make the second set really exciting.

The second set was also filled with really interesting picks.

And the result was Gen.G's overwhelming victory in the second set.

Bin's Camille's superplays in the middle of the game

almost turned the situation around, but

Gen.G's bot lane duo,

Lehends' Blitz's crazy grabs,

continued to secure kills.

In the end, Peyz's Kalista

got a whopping 27 kills and a penta kill,

setting a new solo kill record in international tournaments,

and creating a new MSI 2024 record for the most kills in a single set.

In the third set, BLG team made a mistake during the ban and pick phase,

and they couldn't make their last ban.

They only banned Aurelion Sol, Corki, Lucian, and K'Sante,

and picked Top lane Jax, Jungle Nidalee, Mid lane Jayce,

Bot lane Senna, and Support Tahm Kench,

building a strong poking composition champion to make a strong opening.

Gen.G banned Tristana, Camille, Nautilus, Ahri, and Taliyah,

and picked Rumble in the top lane, Lissandra in the jungle, Heimerdinger in the mid lane,

Kalista in the bot lane, and Ashe as support.

The third set was also really intense,

BLG team's top and jungle grew very well early on during the lane swap,

and both teams played a lot of shooting.

Nidalee's and Jax's superplays,

Senna and Tahm Kench's initiation, and

Jayce's brutal poking damage

ultimately led BLG to take the win in the third set.

In the fourth set, Gen.G banned Taliyah, Ahri, Lucian,

Kalista, and Varus, mainly targeting the bot lane champions,

and picked Rumble in the top lane, Lissandra in the jungle, Azir in the mid lane,

Senna in the bot lane, and Maokai as support.

BLG banned Zac, Heimerdinger, K'Sante, Aurelion Sol, and Corki,

and picked Camille in the top lane, Nidalee in the jungle, Tristana in the mid lane,

Jinx in the bot lane, and Nautilus as support,

with a two-bot lane composition to go for a strong champion selection.

Gen.G almost lost and it would have been a 5th set,

but through team fights and macro plays,

Gen.G ultimately took the win in the fourth set,

making it their first international tournament victory.

They lifted the 2024 MSI trophy.

The final set was really exciting until the very end.

Following yesterday's match against T1,

we were in for another 5th game today.

I thought we'd hear Silver Scraps again.

But it ended in the fourth set.

But Gen.G was always in a really favorable situation,

and it looked like they were going to win,

but the opponent, especially top lane Bin,

made amazing superplays that kept turning the game around.

I noticed this yesterday in the semifinals,

but he's just amazing,

and when you see him in interviews, his mindset, the way he talks,

you really get the feeling that he's a great player.

After 7 years, the MSI trophy has returned to the LCK.

The 2024 MSI champion is


Team Gen.G has secured their first international tournament victory,

and they have also earned a direct ticket to Worlds, along with a seed.

I usually focus on the bot lane to watch games, but

Today, especially in the second set with Blitz and

in the final set with Maokai,

they were just insane!

They played so well.

Congratulations to Gen.G, who lifted the 2024 MSI trophy!

You've worked hard,

and you've also raised the status of the LCK.

Although you lost to BLG in the semifinals yesterday,

you got your revenge!

Good job!

And to T1, you've also worked really hard.

The LCK Summer season starts next month,

so take a good break and rest up.

I hope we see you all with new, great performances in the new season!

If you want to see more posts, my daily life, and photos,

come visit here ↓↓↓↓↓

안녕하세요 서울에서 프리랜서 아이폰 포토 사진작가로 활동하고 있습니다 :) 핫플레이스, 카페, 맛집, 전시회, 여행 등을 다니며 롤을 좋아하고 T1의 팬입니다!
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